Friday, December 14, 2018

Pediatric kidney transplantation part 90

What type of viral infections can lead to PLTD?

The most common virus associated with PLTD is Eppstein Barr Virus (EBV), and other rare viruses. When a child cannot fight off a virus, they have what is called a "primary infections".

Often the kidney transplant team tries to protect against CMV or EBV by using anti-viral medications, but these are usually only continues for a few months after transplant when the immunosuppressant medications are at their highest.

Most transplant teams will routinely measure the amount of virus particles in the blood to see if there has been an infection. If the tests shows a new infection or the reappearance of an old one, the transplant doctor will consider reducing the dose of immunosuppressant medication for a short time to allow a patient's body to clear the virus on its own.

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