Friday, December 14, 2018

Pediatric kidney transplantation part 91

How is PLTD diagnosed?

The diagnosis of PLTD is often made  in several steps. If transplant team suspects PLTD after evaluating a patient's symptoms and doing a physical exam, they may order studies, such as x-rays, CT scans, or PET scans to look for other evidence of it. If enlarged nodes or mass are seen in these scans or x-rays, a doctor will take a biopsy (a tiny sample) of the lymph nodes to make a diagnosis.

If PLTD is diagnosed, the transplant team will usually decrease the immunosuppressant medications and may begin giving anti-viral medications.

Many children who have a new PLTD diagnoses need to be assessed by an oncology (cancer) team and may have chemotherapy. Fortunately, when identified in time, PLTD can usually be treated.

Children who are treated will need to be followed for the return or relapse of PLTD for the rest of their lives.

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